Chamomile is an herb native to most of Europe and western Asia. It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times due to its reputed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. Studies in animals show that substances in chamomile can act as an antiseptic, treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce inflammation in general and calm muscle spasms. Human studies are practically nonexistent for this herb but evidence-based reports abound for the benefits of chamomile particularly its calming influence on nervous irritability and anxiety.
The desktop guide to complementary and alternative medicine: an evidence based approach. By Edzard Ernst, Max H. Pittler, Barbara Wider
A Review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita L.) Diane L. McKay *,
Jeffrey B. Blumberg. USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, 711 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111, USA
Blumenthal, et al. Herbal Medicine, Expanded Commission E Monographs, 1st ed. Austin: American Botanical Council; 2000.
Newall C, et al. Herbal Medicines: A Guide for Health-Care Professionals. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 1996.
Tyler, V. Herbs of Choice, the Therapeutical Use of Phytomedicinals. Binghamton: Pharmaceutical Press; 1994.
Brinker F. Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions, 3rd ed. Sandy (OR): Eclectic Medical; 2001.